Monday, October 26, 2009


I have had a hard time seeing clearly the last couple of months. It seems as if everything has been slightly out of focus. I have been extremely frustrated with my attempts to get a clear, sharp image.
Fall is a time of great resistance for me. Even though it happens every year, I still can't seem to remember this time each year that my insanity is only a cyclical thing. ( I sure hope anyway!!) I dislike fall in it's beginning stages because I cannot seem to see the beauty that is there. I view it negatively and view it as a time of endings, departures and deaths. The end of summer brings great sadness for me as the days get shorter, the sun fades faster, the kids go back to school, and I go back to work. Fall also means that cold weather is lurking around the corner and adding a sluggish gray cast to my clear and sunny happy place.
This weekend I was finally able to snap out of it a little! On Saturday, we celebrated Stella's 3rd birthday at the park with friends. On Sunday, we carved our pumpkins and went on a fall photo walk. I had the most fun I've had in months!
While I still dread the thought of cold air moving in and taking over, I am going to try to be present and enjoy the crisp, cool fresh air of fall. I am going to try to see the beautiful colors while they last and I am going to try to spend lots of time outside while the weather is still inviting.
I think I can finally say, "Happy Fall ya'll" and mean it!


Dagmar said...

Oh how wonderful you can turn things around. I also long for warm summer evenings. But the colors of fall and darker times makes me wanna lit candles and heat up the fireplace...Buy yourself a nice pair of wool slippers and duck into a good book. Take time to hibernate for a while. Be well and happy birthday for your little one.

Wildflower Studio (Michelle Dransart) said...

Such a pretty photo. I love your honesty about your feelings about fall, and I am glad you are feeling better and having some fun! Sending Happy Birthday wishes to you little daughter, she is so cute in the post below! And thank you so much for your kind words on my blog :)