Thursday, September 22, 2011

52 Photos Project

I am just now starting to participate in The 52 Photos project.  (there is a link and an explaination on the left)  Basically I am sort of doing my own version at my own pace, while still using her prompts.  I am going to try to post each week with the photo and the prompt.  Don't know if I can make it all 52 weeks, because life gets in the way, but I am going to try and make Thursday my photo day.  This will probably take the place of One Word Wed photo for a while...who knows, maybe I will do both.  I just know that it's FALL and I am starting getting lots of photo shoots (for holiday photos of course) SOO I wanna make sure I am using my camera every day.  This helps to keep me motivated.

The prompt for this week is ...


Technically, I was supposed to use a new photo.  And I did that...I went outside and took lots of photos with water dripping from leaves..all pretty..BUT THEN I remembered old photos of Stell nursing her baby like a professional...feeding herself and the babe...and I decided to process those in black and white to see how they looked.  For whatever reason, this is my favorite.  ( I think i'm gonna send this photo to my cousin Janet who is horrified and disgusted by the new baby that  has come out in Europe. It's a "nursing baby" that makes sucking noises.  HA!  My kids never needed "nursing" babies..they just used the ones they had!)

1 comment:

amy said...

that is hysterical and awesome at the same time. when ryan was still nursing - he'd bring me his baby )one of mary's of course-and tell me that baby needed boobie too.