Thursday, November 3, 2011

52 Photos Project

THEME:   A Heart

This week we had to find "a heart".  So a couple of weeks ago, I went photo location scouting with my friend Lynn.  I also had a list of things that I wanted to find that day (for my 52 photos themes) and at the top of my list I had written  look for love today!!! find your heart!.  And let me tell ya, when you go looking for can find it.  Not only that, you will realize that love lives in some crazy cool places. 
I couldn't pick just one photo.  I was finding hearts all over the place that day. 

Lesson learned:  Start paying attention.  Love really is EVERYWHERE.  :)

1 comment:

AmyLou said...

the corner of that piece of wood is amazing...(i think it's a piece of wood...)